Welcome to RHAC Membership Gateway
   New Applications and Interest Register Start Here

Forename(s) and surname of person concerned

person concerned- date of birth and gender

Name of parent/guardian if under 18
otherwise next of kin

your phone number

email address: important for contact

I have read and understood the 'Data Protection and Storage Policy' and agree that the data I supply may be used by the club for the purposes
described in the document

All membership applications and interest registrations start on this page.
Please complete the brief details requested above so that we can guide your application more clearly.
Click on yellow to check your entry.......
.... when it's OK click on 'proceed' which will have turned green
Please make sure your date of birth and email address are correct (as we use email for all contacts etc)
If you change your email address, please let us know
If you have any special circumstances and need advice, contact the secretary or membership secretary in confidence.

explanation of this process
This is an amateur club run by volunteers and dedicated to friendly sporting individual and team competition, and to self-improvement.
We welcome new members (aged 8 or greater) of all athletic abilities, and from all backgrounds, origins and personal makeup.