5 miles approx mixed terrain
The condition of the course: good underfoot on the whole but we will be giving attention to the discretionay paths.
The field crops are rapeseed (first field), then all corn..
The initial path in the set-aside after Stoket Lane turn is long grass: wwe have pushed it back
It will be re-examined over the next week
Note there is now very limited access to car parking at the reservoir bridge. If visiting, park at Yachting Centre and short walk through

Please Note: UKA Licence. Emergency responders: Vie Medical
Venue: Whiston Parish Church Cricket Club, Doles Lane, Whiston
On the night entry is the norm (from 6pm). £5 affiliated, £7 unaffiliated
Fast entry and results service, free refreshments after at Whiston PCCC
Awards (minimum) for race first & second and all 5-year vet categories from M40 and F35
There are rape crops in the fields and it is likely they will not be cropped by 15/6. However, the perimeter paths are reasonably runnable.
Our benefactors at Whiston Parish Church CC have upgraded changing accommodation available
There will be no junior 'fun run'

The traditional start has been risk-assessed and is safe to use, but we plan to use the variation shown on this Course and Marshalling map, which is vehicle-free and traffic-free
For greater convenience for all,we will probably adjust the start this year to be at the pavilion with a course passing the cricket area towards Royd's Moor, turning right on to public right of way to access Doles Lane part-way up the hill.
The finish will be (as last year) at the end of Doles Lane track just before the metalled road and Rectory Drive. This is for safety reasons as the road has had increasing use over the years of the race.
Note: there is no short rce or fun run this year.
The course profile below (much exaggerated!) shows clearly the two hills of the main race.
The purple dots show the race course on the map

The course is unchanged from last year, and the fields have been assessed for several weeks