Young Athletes Joining or Waiting for Induction

Becoming a member
We are happy for all potential new members to come along and make sure they enjoy the training nights and club atmosphere. All potential members have to become temporary members, so that we have the necessary details to take effective care of them.
Application for membership, can be made on line via the 'Membership' section. A trial period lasting for 4 weeks or 6 training sessions is offered to all potential new members. We then ask you to join as a full member. For young athletes under 17, the form must be completed & signed by a parent or carer.
There is a session fee for each training session:
this is £2 for young athletes
• Membership runs from 1st January - 31st December;
• New membership (2025) typically costs £40. For this you get the first year (or part year) membership and a club vest, for those aged over-14 the England Athletics Athlete Registration fee is currently £20 .
• Subscription renewals each January 1st (2026) are currently £25 for all U18s & those in full time education.
*all quoted prices are subject to AGM (held normally in October)

We have to adhere to the sensible guidelines, set by UK Athletics, to have a safe and manageable number of athletes working with each coach. This means that the groups are usually at, or close to, capacity.

Athletes who are aged 8 to 14 years old inclusive who are wanting to join or to try out club athletics register their interest in joining, and are held on a waiting list database in chronological order of applying. At frequent intervals, when we have enough capacity to invite athletes along, we will extend an invitation to attend (with parents) an induction session in a group. These are held on club training nights (Monday & Weds) and start at 5:30, so that the new starters can be inducted and are ready to join the group at 6 for the training session (see 'Induction' below) Following a satisfactory induction, they will be invited to formally apply

Athletes who are aged 15 years or more will move straight to an application form for membership. They will also go through an induction but it will be carried out by their individual group coach

Irrespective of age, all applicants will be able to join straight away, or to try the training sessions for a 4-week period and then apply.

The Induction Group will meet at Herringthorpe Stadium on an agreed date, when you will be able to get an overview of the club and ask any questions you may have. We will also need to get details of any medical or special needs your athlete may have. New applicants will be welcomed by a designated coach. Applicants will all be taken through an introduction to the club and the procedures for codes of conduct and safe use of the track and facilities.

The club's codes of behaviour, and policies apply to everybody These sessions are designed to ensure the speediest and smoothest introduction into coached training and at the same time ensure that the coaching of established groups is not interrupted. A detailed Athlete Welcome Pack will be provided

The reason for these different pathways is that volume of applications from U-17 athletes is a lot lower: the demand on coaches time and attention in U-15, 13 and 11 groups makes it impossible to admit newcomers on a one-off basis